United Nations Global Compact

Our work

Huge investments are needed to meet sustainability challenges now and in the future. The UN estimates there is a $3 to $5 trillion annual financing gap for achieving the SDGs. With less than six years to go, meeting the SDGs will require the sustained mobilization of large-scale public and private resources.

Advanced Group
Advanced Group CFOs play a key role in shaping the broad agenda of the Coalition and provide high-level direction and input on the work programme, showcasing best practices from the private sector in investments and financing aligned and linked with sustainability.
Sustainable Finance Roadmap
The UN Secretary-General has asked the UNGC Board and CFO Coalition to deliver an actionable roadmap to unlock private capital for sustainable development. In 2025, this work will involve private roundtables with leading investors, CFOs, regulators, MDBs, and philanthropic players.
Invest in Women
The Invest in Women initiative is a pioneering effort to harness sustainable finance and UN resources to advance gender equality. This workstream looks into innovative strategies, tackling existing barriers, and setting strategic priorities to drive global change for women in finance.