Electric Utilities & Power Generators
The Electric Utilities & Power Generators industry is made up of companies that generate electricity; build, own, and operate transmission and distribution (T&D) lines; and sell electricity. Utilities generate electricity from a number of different sources, commonly including coal, natural gas, nuclear energy, hydropower, solar, wind, and other renewable and fossil fuel energy sources. The industry comprises companies operating in both regulated and unregulated business structures. Regulated utilities maintain a business model in which they accept comprehensive oversight from regulators on their pricing mechanisms and their allowed return on equity, among other types of regulation, in exchange for their license to operate as a monopoly. Unregulated companies, or merchant power companies, are often independent power producers (IPPs) that generate electricity to sell to the wholesale market, which includes regulated utility buyers and other end-users. Furthermore, the industry is divided across regulated and deregulated power markets—referring to how far up the value chain regulated utility operations span. Regulated markets typically contain vertically integrated utilities that own and operate everything from the generation of power to its retail distribution. Deregulated markets commonly split generation from distribution, designed to encourage competition at the wholesale power level. Overall, companies in the industry are challenged with the complex mission of providing reliable, accessible, low-cost power while balancing the protection of human life and the environment.
Fuel Cells & Industrial Batteries
The Fuel Cells & Industrial Batteries industry consists of companies that manufacture fuel cells for energy production and energy storage equipment such as batteries. Manufacturers in this industry mainly sell products to companies for varied energy-generation and energy-storage applications and intensities, from commercial business applications to large-scale energy projects for utilities. Companies in the industry typically have global operations and sell products to a global marketplace.
Solar Technology & Project Developers
The Solar Technology & Project Developers industry comprises companies that manufacture solar energy equipment, including solar photovoltaic (PV) modules, polysilicon feedstock, solar thermal electricity-generation systems, solar inverters, and other related components. Companies may also develop, build, and manage solar energy projects and offer financing or maintenance services to customers. Two primary technologies are utilized in the industry: PV and concentrated solar power (CSP). Within solar PV, there are two main technologies: crystalline silicon-based solar and thin-film solar, which includes panels made using copper indium gallium selenide and cadmium telluride. The primary markets for solar panels are residential, non-residential (commercial and industrial), and utility-scale projects. Companies in the industry operate globally.
Wind Technology & Project Developers
The Wind Technology & Project Developers industry comprises companies that manufacture wind turbines, blades, towers, and other components of wind power systems. Companies that develop, build, and manage wind energy projects are also included within the scope of this industry. Manufacturers may also offer post-sale maintenance and support services. Turbines can be installed onshore or offshore, which can cause differences in wind-generating capacity and create challenges in project development for each type of installation. Most major wind technology companies operate globally.