Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)
SDG 7: Sustainable Energy for All
Describe how this investment will support the company’s targets on SDG impact
Increasing the production of energy from renewable resources, including biomethane, avoiding or reducing the impact on the environment, landscape and cultural heritage contributes to achieve SDG 7. Snam achieves this through its subsidiaries Snam4Environment and Renovit: the former specialises in
infrastructure for the production of biomethane and the promotion of green activities, while the latter is one of the main Italian operators in energy efficiency services for the residential, industrial and Public Administration sectors. Both leverage the technical expertise acquired from leading companies in the sector, in particular Renerwaste and Iniziative Biometano for the biomethane business and TEP, Mieci and Evolve for the energy efficiency business. It is stated that the investment ends in 2032 because our strategic planning considers a time period of ten years. The investment could therefore end beyond 2032